

Foresighting the innovative economic development under digitalization (2019—2021)


Institutes for innovative economic development in terms of new industrialization (completed)

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical provisions, to develop the scientific and methodological approaches and practical recommendations on the formation of institutions for the innovative economic development under new industrialization.

To achieve the purpose in the research process, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

  • to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of the institutions for the innovative economic development under new industrialization, basing on the tools of the systemic, institutional and evolutionary approaches to the development of economic processes and phenomena;
  • to substantiate the scientific provisions and to develop recommendations on state regulation of the re-industrialization of the economy;
  • to develop financial and economic tools for the transition of the economy to an innovation-based growth;
  • to develop conceptual approaches to forming a system of economic legislation and the constitutional framework of the economic system;
  • to substantiate the choice of the forms of interterritorial economic interactions in the context of transiting to an innovative-based economic development;
  • to substantiate scientific provisions, to develop recommendations for managing social processes in the context of new industrialization;
  • to develop economic and mathematical models of the industrial enterprises’ activities in terms of new industrialization.

The researches under fundamental topic have been carried out in the following areas:

  • scientific and analytical substantiation of the conceptual foundations of the state regulation of economic re-industrialization;
  • financial and credit support for an innovative economy in terms of new industrialization;
  • conceptual approaches to forming an institution of constitutional support for the legal regulation of economic activity in terms of new industrialization;
  • scientific and methodological substantiation of the choice of forms of interterritorial economic interactions in the conditions of transiting to the innovative economic development;
  • studying the conceptual foundations of managing social processes in terms of new industrialization;
  • developing the economic and mathematical models for the industrial enterprises’ development under new industrialization.


Institutional support for structural transformations of industrial territories (completed)

The purpose of the study is to theoretically justify and to develop the scientific and practical recommendations for improving the institutional support for structural economic transformations of industrial territories based on developing the forms and methods of public administration of such processes.

In accordance with the purpose, the following theoretical and practical problems were solved during the research process:

  • the suggestions and recommendations on improving the institutions, forms and methods of managing industrial territories were developed and theoretically substantiated;
  • the mechanism of institutional support of the social and economic development of industrial territories was justified;
  • new approaches to managing the social and economic development of the DPR as a self-organizing system were identified;
  • the financial and credit support and environmental regulation of developing the industrial areas were improved;
  • the suggestions on the institutional supporting the organizational potential of the subjects of innovative activity;
  • the directions for improving the organizational and legal support of economic activity were substantiated;
  • a multi-level system for the strategic development of industrial territories was formed;
  • a set of economic and mathematical models and management technologies for developing the large industrial complexes was developed.

The Institute’s scientific developments have been employed by state authorities and various organizations, namely: Budget, Finance and Economic Policy Committee of the People’s Council of the DPR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPR, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the DPR, Ministry of Economic Development of the DPR, Ministry of Agroindustrial Policy and Food of the DPR, Association “Entrepreneurs of the DPR” and the Research and Production Association “Yasinovataya machine-building plant”